| As  a result of your Islam -- all your previous sins were totally forgiven by now ,
It's a gift from Allah to all new Muslims 🎊🎉

Now you are clean  , your page just turned  like a new born baby 🧨.

Try to keep your page clean always by repenting to God if u did any sin.🎁
Allah has chosen you among millions of people to open your heart and guide you to the true path .🌟🌟

Praise be to Allah Who has guided you to Islam💎 , I ask Him to make you steadfast in it until you meet Him, for He is all Hearing, Ever Responsive. | | 👇👇 يمكن للمحاور استخدام الصور و الفيديو هنا https://t.me/Dawah_in_English/2974 https://t.me/Daawah_Photos_English/695 https://t.me/Daawah_Photos_English/1862 https://t.me/Daawah_Photos_English/1816 https://t.me/Daawah_Photos_English/1803 https://t.me/Daawah_Photos_English/1447 | | | | I will contact you with a trust worthy Islamic teacher from my side to teach you Islam step by step.

I hope you interact with him as he will teach you how to be a better Muslim and will be with you all the time whenever you need anything. | | Do you prefer Facebook messenger, or WhatsApp ? | | Please write to me you country code and your phone number | | I have registered you , but it may take a couple of days or so for the teacher to start , so don't worry | | Important for you 👇 🟢 Now that you have entered Islam, it's recommended for you to take a bath , washing your entire body with water. 🚿🚿🚿 💜 Just as you have cleansed your soul you are recommended to cleanse your body by taking a bath. | | 🟢 you can keep the matter of your Islam Private from your family and friends if you think they will bother you, and you can choose the best time to tell them. | | 🟢learn Islam step by step -- don't overload yourself first try to learn the prayer -- we will help u with this,, and u can always communicate with me on and ask me 🙂 | | 🟢 this link can help u online - u can read in it as well .. it has nice info for new Muslims  www.newmuslimguide.com http://newmuslimacademy.org | | 🟢And in this link you can search for the Islamic centers in your country https://islammessage.org/en/centers | | 🟢And this is an application for Islamic centers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cims.islamicnavigator |