| Benefits of converting to Islam 💕

1-The Door to Eternal Paradise🏡 :   Our Almighty Creator says: {And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow ...} [Quran 2:25]

🎁If you enter Paradise, you want to live a very happy life without sickness, pain, sadness, or death;  God wants to be pleased with you;  and you want to live there forever.
2-Real happiness and inner peace can only be found in the worshipping of the Creator.🤍

3-Salvation from Hellfire 🔥 The disbeliever will not have another chance to come back to this world to believe. | | 4-Forgiveness for All Previous Sins 🎉🎊 This is the gift Allah gives to all new Muslims 🎁All your sins will be forgiven , and you will start new clean life .

5-Direct Connection with our Almighty Creator 🤲 (away from any mediator): Islam is a one to one relationship between us and our Almighty Creator 🤲 | | Do you want to become a Muslim and gain all these benefits? |